Dear [organization]

Charlene Eldon
2 min readJul 1, 2020


Dear [organization],

I am writing, sincerely and optimistically, to ask that you reconsider the trajectory of your organization.

The sickness of white supremacy teaches us white people that our ideas are correct and we are best suited to leadership positions. This delusion is sadly common in non-profits, and is now referred to white saviorism.

This is what the womxn at the heart of the Black Lives Matter movement have instructed all of us to do: dismantle the power structure that was built by the white, racist, capitalist hetero-patriarchy, in our minds and outside ourselves.

I think it’s safe to assume that by now we have all been educated on the Black Lives Matter movement, thanks to the murder of George Floyd. Knowing what we know now, it’s become clear that radical steps need to be taken to create equity in America.

We as white people are not best suited to leadership positions in Black or POC communities. If we really want equity in America we must relinquish as much power and wealth as possible, wherever we can.

It is time for all the white leaders in America to give up power to BIPOC, especially those who have shared critical analysis on how white (body) supremacy is detrimental to the communal health of the folks the organization is servicing. It is time for us white Americans to practice deep humility and charitable giving, while simultaneously passing as much power as possible to BIPOC.

I am asking that white leaders of this organization step down and put BIPOC people in their places, while still fully supporting the organization financially.

This is a huge opportunity for your organization to create BIPOC jobs, safety, joy, and empowerment.

Thank you for your time, and I hope to meet you all in a more equitable future.


[Your Name]



Charlene Eldon

Social and racial justice blogger from Marin County, California.